Thursday, October 27, 2016

It's A Balancing Act

Being a working mom is probably the single most challenging thing I've ever done. And it's a struggle, daily. Especially when getting ready for work in the morning. That sweet little bedhead princess tests my will EVERY. MORNING. I don't want to leave her. We could have so much fun watching Little Einsteine's and eating blueberries. But, I have to gather all of my strength, get her and myself ready and walk out the door. I hate it.

Before I became a mom I worked, ALL. THE. TIME. Overtime was my middle name. And you would think that after I had a child, I would want to make even more money in order to afford everything. However, the complete opposite is true. I've assessed my 'necessities' and found I don't really need much. I no longer buy 2-3 nail polishes per paycheck. I don't splurge on a bunch of expensive monthly subscription boxes. I still get Ipsy and Birchbox though. I'm thinking of cutting Birchbox out, but I'll talk more about that later.

After work the LAST thing I want to do it clean. I want to spend time with my girl. But somedays that's not possible. I have a list of things to do every day when I get home. But I don't WANT to do any of them. I just want to play with Maddie as much as possible. And I know that DJ feels the same way. She's at the age where every day she's learning something new. I just want to spend every minute I can with her, watching her and teaching her. But we're limited by time. She's very rigid when it comes to bed time. 8pm. We've tried to keep her up a little later just to be able to spend more time with her, but in the end we all suffer for it. If she's not getting ready for the bath, in her room, or there's talk of 'ni-night' by 8:10 it's pretty much death con 5!

Trying to balance work and home life is difficult in general. But throw in the life of a tiny person who depends on you for EVERYTHING and at least 1 thing will suffer. The one thing I will NEVER let suffer though, is the care of my child. I will fight for her and take care of her before ANYTHING else. 

Do any of you struggle with balancing work and home? Even if you don't have children.

I hope you're all well. 

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