Monday, October 24, 2016

I'm Back!! Fall Family Bucket List!

Hi everyone! I'm back!! Ir's been WAAAY too long. A lot of things have been going on in our household as of late and I plan on catching you up very soon! Or.. if you don't want to wait, you can check out my YouTube Channel The Vertically Challenged Momma to find out!

There are a MILLION bucket lists all over pinterest right now but none really seemed to fit our family. With having an almost 17 month old and (Spoiler alert!) being 8 months pregnant a lot of the things on the lists were either too much for Maddie, or too much for me. So if you're in the same boat as we are, here's our Fall Family Bucket List:

I'm so excited to start ticking things off our list! What's on your bucket list this fall? Anything you think we should add to our list?

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